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2015-10-28     发布:[信息工程学院]Admin    点击:44



题目: An Overview of Security and Privacy Issues: Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

时间:2014年12月2日(星期二)下午15:00 - 17:30



报告人简介:洪泽权博士 是加拿大安大略理工大学商业与信息技术系教授,从事波音客机中航空相关服务技术研究、以及移动网络动态工作流研究。是国立台北科技大学荣誉讲座教授,巴西圣保罗大学客座教授,武汉大学、日本静冈大学、日本汇津大学、奥地利因斯布鲁克大学、意大利特兰托大学、意大利米兰大学兼职教授。是IEEE 国际网络服务会议、IEEE国际服务计算会议、IEEE大数据会议的创始人之一,担任知名国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Services Computing、International Journal of Web Services Research、International Journal of Business Process and Integration Management的副主编,Information Systems Frontiers的协调编辑。


报告摘要:Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is an emerging application distribution model that encourages users to use their own mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers to access various online and mobile services, for example at work through a technical infrastructure, to support a workflow as long as the users agree to comply with a given safety policy. Since the services may contain sensitive information or even trade secrets of an enterprise, the safety policy usually specifies the security and privacy rules in End User Level Agreement (EULA) format as realistic regulatory measures and assessment. Further BYOD is being adopted by many traditional consumer electronics products such as electrical appliances and even toys. Many studies found out that the traditional services enforcement mechanisms cannot cope with the complex security requirements of the emerging BYOD paradigm because the mobile devices are outside the infrastructure’s scope and control. This talk will give an overview of the security and privacy issues in this BYOD paradigm and discuss a related research project in services computing.





