孙大为:Performance-Aware Deployment of Streaming Applications in Distributed Stream Computing Systems
2021-03-03 发布:[信息工程学院] 点击:231次
Performance-aware deployment of streaming applications is one of the key challenging problems in distributed stream computing systems. We proposed a performance-aware deployment framework (Pa-Stream) for distributed stream computing systems. By addressing the important aspects of the framework, this paper makes the following contributions: 1) investigated the performance-aware deployment of a streaming application over distributed and heterogeneous computing nodes, and provided a general application deployment model; 2) demonstrated a streaming applications deployment scheme by proposing an artificial bee colony strategy that deploys application's vertices onto the best set of computing nodes; an incremental online redeployment strategy was used to redeploy the running application; 3) developed and integrated Pa-Stream into Apache Storm platform; 4) evaluated the fulfilment of low latency and high throughput objectives in a distributed stream computing environment. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed Pa-Stream provided effective performance improvements on latency, throughput and resource utilisation.
上述成果发表在期刊《INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIO-INSPIRED COMPUTATION》上:Sun,DW(Sun,Dawei)[1,2];Gao,S(Gao,Shang)[3];Liu,XY(Liu,Xunyun)[4];Li,FY(Li,Fengyun)[5];Buyya,R(Buyya,Rajkumar)[4]. Performance-Aware Deployment of Streaming Applications in Distributed Stream Computing Systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIO-INSPIRED COMPUTATION,15(1):52-62.
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